Welcome to our site here you will get geology subjects solved MCQs these MCQs help in all exams and tests, so daily visits to our site and get new MCQs daily. These MCQs are collected from a different book of Geology.

Geology Solved MCQs || Part # 1 || GeologySeeker || Section Geology MCQs

1. The branch of geology which deals with occurrence, origin, and history of rocks is known as

(a) hydrogeology 
(b) pedology 
(c) petrology 
(d) geomorphology

Correct Answer is: (c) petrology 

2. The branch of geology which deals with the study of the chronology of the earth's past
events are called as
(a) historical geology 
(b) structural geology
(c) physical geology 
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer is: (a) historical geology 

3. The branch of geology which deals with the study of uppermost layers of earth's crust is
known as
(a) petrology 
(b) hydrogeology 
(c) pedology 
(d) geomorphology

Correct Answer is: (c) pedology 

4. Rocks which are formed from weathering products of preexisting rocks deposited
near earth's surface are called as
(a) Igneous rocks 
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks 
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer is: (b) Sedimentary rocks

5. In a relative proportion of rocks by weight percentage which type of rocks are having
maximum percentage?
(a) Igneous rocks 
(b) Sedimentary rocks
(c) Metamorphic rocks 
(d) None of the above

Correct Answer is: (a) Igneous rocks

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